Sunday, 14 April 2013

Flora and Fauna

Challenge 9

Flora and Fauna

1873 Hat 

I already had the materials including a small black straw with the back turned up.  I had bought it to make an 1873 hat around 2006  so this hat cost me nothing as all the decorations were out of my stack..

The Challenge:9

Fabric: Straw, feathers art flowers piece of lace

Pattern: one
Year: 1825


How historically accurate is it? copy of an original with the use of different colours etc

Hours to complete: 4 hours

First worn: ever will be worn when I go to an event which calls for the 1873 dress I have finished on the fortnightly sewing.

Total co; Nil

As I had finished the 1873 hat for the Challenge early I was trying to think of what else I could do.
Then I remembered that  after an event   I had to loan an 1835's bonnet from a friend as my own one was far to large and wide on the brim I just did not like it and thought that I should take it down to the frame and re-do it, shouldn't take me long I told myself 11 hours later all was finished except the ties which I did this morning another hour soon passed  and thank goodness it is now finished and I will be able to wear it  at another event this weekend.

The Challenge:9

Fabric: Cotton, Buckrum
Year: 1835

Notions: Feathers and Trim

How historically accurate is it?  I do not think it is inaccurate as the pattern I used when I first made it said it was period correct.

Hours to complete: 11 hours

First worn: The 'NEW' bonnet will be worn this weekend

Total co; Nil

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Accessorise Challenge 7

I have decided to make an old pair of Laura Ashely's 1980's shoes into 1780-90 inspired from the American Duchess. I am not a very good photographer as you can't see the shape of the heel they are a bit like the Louis heel which was very popular in the 1980' so I think that they will be okay.

Shoes with the first coat dye on which is supposed to be Navy probably will get darker as more coats are applied.

1980's Shoes

1790 shoes

 1980 shoes  after the second coat of dye

 It seems to me that the instep part opf the 1790 shoe is higher so this is my idea of how to do this.  I found a bit of strong cardboard put it inside the shoes tried them on to see if they were still comfortable and they were fine.  I now will paint the cardboard then glue them in place cover the top end with petersham.

 They look a bit odd at the moment but I am sure once the petersham is on and they are glued into place they will be fine. they need another coat of dye then the pertersham on the top and glue into to the shoes clip on the buckles and I believe they will book not bad.

Well thats them glued unfortunately I have some glue on the surface I will have to get some nail polish remover and gently try and clean them up. I wonder if they would look better if I use the last of the dye and cover up the pettersham.
I will have to dye the petersham as it not so good I may have to put a slit in the cardboard and put the buckles lower on the front.

1980's made to look like 1790's

When I started the fortnightly historical sewing I made the decision that I would only use items and materials that I had already in the house and up to date all that I have had to buy was  tape for the waist of the 1790 skirt and petticoat.

Since starting this venture into the 18th century I have found it very interesting but as I have only made Regency to Edwardian before it means I do not have the underpinnings for that era, the result of this is that  I have to do things before I even start the challenge eg., I cannot make the Caraco Jacket until there is a corset made. I am looking forward to making this as it will be a change to flatten my front as opposed to a curvy silhouette.